
2024-09-22 18:23来源:本站



  BRESCIA, 07 JAN - Great and unforgettable masters from Picasso and Monet to Cézanne and Renoir, but also illustrious contemporary names such as Kiefer and Apollonio, up to myths such as Marco Polo and the Appian Way: these are some of the exhibitions that will accompany us in this new year. BRESCIA - Over 100 masterpieces by Fattori, Lega, Signorini, Cabianca, Borrani, Abbati and others make up the first exhibition of the new year, "The Macchiaioli", set up at Palazzo Martinengo from January 20 to June 9 and curated by Francesca Dini and Davide Dotti. Coming largely from private collections - usually inaccessible - and from important museum institutions, the works on display tell the exciting adventure of a group of progressive painters who managed to give life to the artistic movement of the Macchiaioli, one of the most original avant-gardes of the second half of the 19th century.

  ROVIGO - The spirit of Paris at the end of the century in the great exhibition with which Palazzo Roverella pays homage to Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec from 24 February to 30 June: curated by Jean-David Jumeau-Lafond, Francesco Parisi and Fanny Girard, with the collaboration of Nicholas Zmelty, the exhibition goes beyond the artist's activity dedicated to the poster, to dwell on his works as a painter, with paintings and pastels from American and European museums as well as French.

  FORLI' - At the Museums of San Domenico from 24 February to 30 June the exhibition "Pre-Raphaelites. Modern Renaissance", curated by Elizabeth Prettejohn, Peter Trippi, Francesco Parisi and Cristina Acidini: about 300 works including paintings, sculptures, drawings, prints, photographs, furniture, ceramics and jewelry, tell the impact of Italian historical art, from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance, on British visual culture, especially on the Pre-Raphaelites.

  MILAN - For the 150th anniversary of the birth of Impressionism, the major exhibition dedicated to Paul Cézanne and Pierre-Auguste Renoir arrives at Palazzo Reale. Set up from March to June, the exhibition compares the personalities and works of two painters who contributed decisively to the birth of the movement. "Picasso, the foreigner", also at Palazzo Reale from 20 September to 2 February 2025, presents 80 works through which to encourage a reflection on contemporaneity: in particular, the path aims to explore how the condition of foreigner has influenced and formed the identity of the Spanish artist who, despite having settled in France, never obtained French citizenship, but only honorary citizenship in 1948.

  PADUA - An exciting story of the father of Impressionism is the one proposed at the Altinate Cultural Center - San Gaetano from March 9 to August 4 in the exhibition "Monet. Masterpieces from the Musée Marmottan Monet in Paris". The last exhibition on the artist to be presented in Italy for the next few years, the exhibition (curated by Sylvie Carlier with Marianne Mathieu and Aurélie Gavoille) presents the public with over 50 iconic masterpieces enriched by spectacular rooms, lots of content, videos, testimonies and magical atmospheres.

  FLORENCE - From March 22 to July 21 at Palazzo Strozzi one of the greatest masters of art between the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, Anselm Kiefer.

  The artist presents in Florence the exhibition "Fallen Angels", curated by Arturo Galansino, in which he brings together historical works alongside new productions, in an original dialogue with Renaissance architecture.

  VENICE - From April 6 to April 29In September, the Doge's Palace hosts "Marco Polo 1324-2024", the leading exhibition in the celebrations for the 700th anniversary of Marco Polo's death.

  The exhibition traces the physical, political and human geography of the Venetian merchant's encounters in Asia, at the centre of Il Milione. Two major monographs coming to the Peggy Guggenheim Collection: from April 13 to September 16 "Jean Cocteau. The Juggler's Revenge", the largest solo exhibition ever held in our country dedicated to him (curated by Kenneth E.

  Silver, over 150 works, from drawings to graphic works, from jewels to tapestries); in autumn, from 12 October, it will be the turn of "Marina Apollonio. Beyond the circle", curated by Marianna Gelussi, which traces the artist's career up to the present day, highlighting the rigor of his visual research.

  MonZA - Spring at the Orangerie of the Villa Reale in Monza is dedicated to the exhibition "Ottocento lombardo. Rebellion and conformism, from Hayez to Segantini", curated by Simona Bartolena, scheduled from 1 April to 28 July. Composed of 70 works, including paintings and drawings by the main protagonists of the Lombard nineteenth century, the itinerary unfolds by thematic areas, analyzing both the movements and iconographic trends, and the biography and personality of the individual artists.

  ROME - At the Casale di Santa Maria Nova, from May to September, the exhibition "L'Appia Moderna", curated by Claudia Conforti, Roberto Dulio, Simone Quilici, Ilaria Sgarbozza. The route tells the story of the Regina Viarum, a mythical place, out of time yet very modern, a treasure trove of archaeological treasures but also a pop icon.

